
  • 2024 Weekend Afternoons

    Exploring MovingWriting practice and community.

    Sun, Oct 13; Sat, Dec 7

    2-5pm, at a private studio in Sebastopol.

    $75 per afternoon, $135 for two afternoons, $185 for series. Sliding scale available. Advance registration required.

    Limited to 8 participants.

  • MovingWriting Women's Circle

    Intimate, semi-closed drop-in monthly MovingWriting Women’s Circle

    First Friday of the month, 10-noon

    At a private studio in Sebastopol.

    $30-50 sliding scale, per session.

    Contact me if you’d like to be placed on the roster.

  • MovingWriting Weekly Series

    Through College of Marin Community Education

    at College of Marin, Kentfield Campus

    Fall Session: 7 Tuesdays, 3:00-5:00pm,

    Aug 27-Oct 8; $154

 No previous writing or moving experience necessary