


About Loretta

I earned my PhD in Literature from NYU and have been teaching college English for over 20 years. I have studied with Linda Trichter Metcalf (Writing the Mind Alive) and Natalie Goldberg (Writing Down the Bones), and am certified in Transformative Language Arts Foundations with the TLA Network as well as in Amherst Writers & Artists workshop leadership. Equally as important to my work in embodied writing facilitation is my many years of practice as a Zen meditator and conscious mover, especially Moving with Life (, Soul Motion®, and Gestalt Awareness Practice. My passion is in bringing these practices of embodiment to writing in the context of supportive community, to deepen our capacities for presence and open new portals of creativity and insight.

I am also available for private writing coaching and editing.

If you’d like to read more about my journey into embodied living, you can read a piece I posted on Medium here.

To learn more about my academic stuff, you can go to